What is the best port? Stats from twosheep, the best online alternative to Catan.
Each game is filled with tough choices and paths to victory. But what strategies consistently lead to success at the highest level of play? I analyzed data from 108 games played on twosheep.io , the best free online alternative to Catan, by the elite Champs D1 league to uncover some fascinating trends. The Best Ports: Which to Prioritize Ports provide vital trading flexibility. But are certain resource ports significantly better? Wheat and Wood Dominate : Games where players secured Wheat and Wood ports had the highest win rates, at around 32%. 3:1 Ports Strong : The general 3:1 port still holds value with a respectable win rate. Sheep Lags Behind : Surprisingly, sheep ports were associated with the lowest win rate of the 4 tile resources. This could signify an over-emphasis on sheep in higher-level play. Longest Road vs. Largest Army The classic debate! Should you focus on roads or knights when aiming for those coveted extra victory points? Here's what the data says: Both is Best:...