Dust Bowl - A Custom Scenario Alternative to Catan

Things just got a whole lot dustier on TwoSheep.io, the best online Catan alternative. Introducing Dust Bowl, a new scenario that brings the creeping threat of desertification to your island settlements. Prepare for a game where the very land beneath your feet is constantly changing, forcing you to adapt or be swallowed by the encroaching sands.

Dust Bowl uses the standard setup for 4, 6, or 8 players. The initial island layout follows the standard rules, but be warned: the familiar landscape is about to undergo a dramatic transformation.

The Dust Storm Approaches

The core mechanic of Dust Bowl revolves around the roll of a 7. Whenever a 7 is rolled, the deserts begin their inexorable expansion, consuming the surrounding land. This happens in two stages:

  1. Weakening the Land: Every non-desert hex adjacent to at least one desert has its number token changed, bringing it one step closer to the unproductive extremes of 2 or 12. For example, a 6 wood hex becomes a 5 wood, an 8 wheat becomes a 9 wheat, and so on. The land grows weaker, less likely to yield resources.
  2. Consumed by the Dust: Any hex already displaying a 2 or a 12 adjacent to a desert is immediately flipped over and replaced with a desert hex. Settlements and cities placed on these tiles are rendered useless, cutting off vital resource production. Roads connecting to these hexes remain, becoming tenuous lifelines across the expanding wasteland.

A Race Against the Sands

The game ends in one of two ways:

  • Standard Victory: A player reaches the designated victory point total (10 for standard games).
  • Total Desertification: The entire island is consumed by the desert, leaving nothing but barren sand. In this grim scenario, the player with the most victory points at that moment is declared the winner, a pyrrhic victory amidst the desolation. In the case of a tie, the player with the most resource cards wins.

Strategic Implications

Dust Bowl introduces a fascinating new layer of strategy. Early game expansion is crucial, but choosing the right locations becomes even more critical. Players are forced to adapt, diversifying their resource production and planning for the inevitable loss of key hexes. Trading becomes even more vital, as players scramble to secure the resources they need to survive.

The ever-present threat of the expanding desert creates a palpable sense of tension and urgency. Will you be able to adapt and thrive in this harsh new environment, or will you be swallowed by the dust? Give Dust Bowl a try and find out! 

Play it now on TwoSheep.io! 


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